Friday, November 8, 2013

ObamaCare Cancellation Notice

Earlier today I received a Grassfire Petition Alert. I suggest that each of us should copy and paste this alert onto a clean piece of paper and send it to your elected representatives.  

Let's get in the game NOW, and strike while the iron is hot! We have to let the elites in Washington, both Republican and Democrat, that the American People are fed up with these power grabs.   We are "mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore"... As the famous Eddie Chiles, the former Texas Rangers Baseball Team owner would say....

Bill Reid

As a taxpaying American citizen, I recognize that the misnamed “Affordable” Care Act is the “train wreck” most Americans and many in Congress feared it would be. No level of lies and deceit by President Obama and his administration is going to change the grim reality that millions and millions of Americans will lose their desired health care plan under ObamaCare. They’ll also be forced to deal with increased premiums, higher deductibles and copays, and lesser care with physicians who are not their own. I’m sending you an “ObamaCare Cancellation Notice” to let you know that We the People reject the President’s hostile takeover of America’s health care system. Please know that I will NOT, under any circumstances, vote for or support any politician who does not work to immediately cancel ObamaCare and who fails to reject the lies that continue to follow in its destructive wake - 

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About Me

West Texas born and raised, rural farm life upbringing. Military service, and several other work careers from operating heavy equipment, to truck driving, HVAC contracting and service, and insurance sales. Currently heavily involved in business pursuits involving Internet marketing and sales. Still married to my high school sweetheart, since 1964, with two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-law, the most beautiful grand-daughter and grand-son in the whole wide world, lot's of relatives, and friends, and still haven't met a stranger. To learn more about doing business on the Internet, promoting your website and other Internet business interests please feel free to contact Bill through his website at