Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jihadist President

The attached is so true and relevant today due to the White House taking the side of terrorists.
Al Qaeda has claimed the attempted destruction of the plane that was trying to land in Detroit on Christmas was an attack
on the US by Al Qaeda which confirms the statements made by the terrorist. Unfortunately our terrorist loving President today 
said this was an isolated incident by a disgruntled individual and was not an Al Qaeda attack on the US. Thus the disgruntled 
individual who is not a US citizen was arrested and charged in US court and given a lawyer immediately thereafter and given all 
the rights and protections of a US citizen. Obama could have had him charged as an enemy combatant per the circumstances and 
put in Guantanamo and tried in a military court as approved by the US Supreme Court as put into law by the US Senate and Congress.
The terrorist was trained in Yemen, where Obama just released 6 terrorists from Guantanamo to Yemen. Yes these terrorists will 
rejoin the terrorist Jihad and probably kill more innocent Americans. Thank you Barrack Hussein Obama for helping to destroy our country!
Obama claims national securityfor not allowing the Senate and House Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Committees to have access to the 
investigation into the biggest terrorist attack since 9-11 at Fort Hood, another attack that he says was by a deranged disgruntled individual 
despite the fact he was in communication with Al Qaeda. He also put an office in the White House in charge of the investigation for national
security reasons - whose national security Mr President? Can we say cover up by the jihad President? It sure is not our country's national 
security that the President is protecting. It was the political correctness policy in the US military that allowed this terrorist attack to occur
 in the first place - that places the cause back onto the White House steps. 
We won't even go into Obama's disregard for the law to try terrorists in military tribunals and instead give them US citizen status and try
 them in civilian court opening New York up to a mass attack and putting the CIA, US counterintelligence/ counterterrorism policy on trial
 in an open court room instead of the terrorists, with civilian lawyers for terrorists on our tax dollars to give some semi-legitimacy to the
 Obama Goat-Rope. The Al Qaeda President did what the terrorists could not do, despite their pleas to pled guilty in military court and be
executed Al Qaeda Obama puts them into an open forum that could result in their not be executed let alone not even being found guilty 
since now almost all the evidence and confessions by them are out the window since they weren't advised of their Constitution rights, 
regardless of the matter that they have no constitutional rights.......

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About Me

West Texas born and raised, rural farm life upbringing. Military service, and several other work careers from operating heavy equipment, to truck driving, HVAC contracting and service, and insurance sales. Currently heavily involved in business pursuits involving Internet marketing and sales. Still married to my high school sweetheart, since 1964, with two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-law, the most beautiful grand-daughter and grand-son in the whole wide world, lot's of relatives, and friends, and still haven't met a stranger. To learn more about doing business on the Internet, promoting your website and other Internet business interests please feel free to contact Bill through his website at