Thursday, December 24, 2009

Harry Reid's Christmas Greeting To America

Heres your Christmas Card from Washington D.C is your opportunity to put your finger right back in Harry Reid's face!

1 comment:

  1. Once said "only problem with Democracy is you get exactly the government you are entitiled to". Biggest issue is that people elect these idiots like Pelosi, Reid, and Obama. Another person once said "the average American is well below average". Maybe both statements are right?
    I fear that there realy is little we can do about it. The Democrats have figured out how to pander, manipulate, and otherwise cause anyone to be elected they choose and any piece of legislation they propose to become law.


About Me

West Texas born and raised, rural farm life upbringing. Military service, and several other work careers from operating heavy equipment, to truck driving, HVAC contracting and service, and insurance sales. Currently heavily involved in business pursuits involving Internet marketing and sales. Still married to my high school sweetheart, since 1964, with two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-law, the most beautiful grand-daughter and grand-son in the whole wide world, lot's of relatives, and friends, and still haven't met a stranger. To learn more about doing business on the Internet, promoting your website and other Internet business interests please feel free to contact Bill through his website at